Minggu, 17 Februari 2013

Narrative text

Example of Narrative Text text by romadon rdc ( @romadon_rdc )


    Once there was a girl called Runduk Tandan who lived with her six brothers in the forest. Runduk kept house while her brotehers hunted in the jungle and fished in the river.
    One day, as Runduk was finishing her housework, there was a knnock at the door. When she opened the door, Runduk saw a handsome young man dressed in fine clothing. At first she thought must be on his way to a wedding.
    ‘May I rest here for a few minuter?’ the young man said, ‘I am a traveller.’
Runduk gave him something to drink while he rested, but soon the young man left, promising to return.
    Several days later, the young man came back. This time he and Runduk talked for a long time. Before he left, Runduk asked him where he lived.
    ‘I live a long long way from here,’ he said.
    ‘Do you live in a palace?’ asked Runduk, for she was sure only a prince could dress so finely.
    The young man laughed. ‘If you would like to see my home, I will take you tomorrow,’ he said. ‘Tell your brothers that you are going to visit a friend.’
    That night Runduk told her brothers that she was going to visit a friend in the village. They were glad and wished her a happy trip. When morning came, Runduk bathed and dressed in her brightest sarong. Then she put a red flower in her hair.
    Soon the young man came to the door. ‘You are beautiful this morning, Runduk.’ He said. He took her hand and together they walked into forest. Soon they reached a tall tree. ’This is the stairway to the moon, Runduk, for I am a prince of the moon, and that is where I live. I hope you like it as much as I do, because I want to marry you.’
    Runduk was so happy that she couldn’t say a word. She smiled at the young man and he kissed her gently. ‘Come, we have along way to go,’ he said. ‘But you must promise me one thing: as we climb the stairway to the moon, you must not look down.’
    Runduk promised, and they began to climb the tree. Soon they neared the top branches, and just then the wind blew Runduk’s red flower out oh her hair. Without thinking, she looked down to see where it had gone.
    Suddenly there was a flash of lightning. Runduk felt herself falling, and then she fainted. When she awoke, Runduk was at home in her own bed. The moon was shining brightly through the window. Runduk looked at it lovingly and wondered if she would ever see the young man again. In fact, people still say that when the moon is especislly bright, the young prince who lives there is gazing at Runduk.

Sabtu, 02 Februari 2013

Manfaat Senyum :)

1 Senyum membuat Anda lebih menarik.

Orang yang banyak tersenyum memiliki daya tarik.

Orang yang suka tersenyum membuat perasaan orang di sekitarnya nyaman dan senang.

Orang yang selalu merengut, cemburut, mengerutkan kening, dan menyeringai membuat orang-orang disekeliling tidak nyaman. Dipastikan orang yang banyak tersenyum memiliki banyak teman.

2. Senyum mengubah perasaan

Jika Anda sedang sedih, cobalah tersenyum.

Senyuman akan membuat perasaan menjadi lebih baik.

Menurut penelitian, senyum bisa memperdayai tubuh sehingga perasaan berubah.

3. Senyum menular

Ketika seseorang tersenyum, ia akan membuat suasana menjadi lebih riang.

Orang di sekitar Anda pasti akan ikut tersenyum dan merasa lebih bahagia.

4. Senyum menghilangkan stres

Stres bisa terlihat di wajah.

Senyuman bisa menghilangkan mimik lelah, bosan, dan sedih.

Ketika Anda stres, ambil waktu untuk tersenyum.

Senyuman akan mengurangi stres dan membuat pikiran lebih jernih.

5. Senyum meningkatkan imunitas.

Senyum membuat sistem imun bekerja lebih baik.

Fungsi imun tubuh bekerja maksimal saat seseorang merasa rileks.

Menurut penelitian, flu dan batuk bisa hilang dengan senyum.

6. Senyum menurunkan tekanan darah

Tidak percaya? Coba Anda mencatat tekanan darah saat anda tidak tersenyum dan catat lagi tekanan darah saat anda tersenyum saat diperiksa.

Tekanan darah saat Anda tersenyum pasti lebih rendah.

7. Senyum melepas endorphin, pemati rasa alamiah, dan serotonin

Senyum ibarat obat alami.

Senyum bisa menghasilkan endorphin, pemati rasa alamiah, dan serotonin.

Ketiganya adalah hormon yang bisa mengendalikan rasa sakit.

8. Senyum membuat awet muda

Senyuman menggerakkan banyak otot.

Akibatnya otot wajah terlatih sehingga Anda tidak perlu melakukan face lift.

Dijamin dengan banyak tersenyum Anda akan terlihat lebih awet muda.

9. Senyum membuat Anda kelihatan sukses

Orang yang tersenyum terlihat lebih percaya diri, terkenal, dan bisa diandalkan.

Pasang senyum saat rapat atau bertemu dengan klien.

Pasti kolega Anda akan melihat Anda lebih baik.

10. Senyum membuat orang berpikir positif.

Coba lakukan ini: pikirkan hal buruk sambil tersenyum. Pasti susah.

Penyebabnya, ketika Anda tersenyum, tubuh mengirim sinyal "hidup adalah baik."

Sehingga saat tersenyum, tubuh menerimanya sebagai anugerah.